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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

At the Show!!!

Shows are so much work!!  We were very excited when friends from our church volunteered to go with us to our first show.  Good thing it was sort of local...about 40 min away.  I did not realized how much stuff we need to make an eye catching display, even with a tent rehearsal!! There are so many other things to consider...where to store the buckets or boxes used, who are your neighbors, getting electricity without having extension cods everywhere.  We are going to have to have separate tents for shows that we book after we make some $ from the ones we have already scheduled.

Made a pretty good impression, but next time I am going to streamline a lot, place some of the necklaces on flat trays that are tilted and behind them place the neck displays, this way I will be able to display more items!  Also I want to make some of the necklaces a 'one price' ticket, so not only is it easy for pricing purposes but also for buyers!

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