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Friday, June 10, 2011

Can I Make An Income From Art Shows And Craft Fairs?

'Tent Rehearsal'
My husband and I are taking these art shows as a serious way to support ourselves in the near future.  After more than 25 years in software, he has decided to go back to his love of hand made guitars and has become a luthier.  And with my background in jewelry we look for art shows where we can both share a 10x10 tent.  Most shows do not allow 2 different mediums under a tent.  These spaces can be costly, normally, between $200-$800 +.  We have been able to book about 4-5 shows for the summer time, and paid $200 for one in Sta Fe, 2011 (that is a deal), a few local ones for about $100 and some $50-60.

Since we are just starting, we are trying to get a 'feel' for what these art shows are.  Over the past 3 years we have done our research, 2 years ago we both started creating our products, and last year we actually started to buy everything that is needed for the shows.   We are planning on kicking it up a notch, after the end of this year, provided that do as well as we expect.
About every show we have been, and there are many just here in CO plus we go to NM frequently,  we  always speak to many sellers/artists.   Most of them are doing this year around, every weekend to support themselves.  And it is true there is at least one art/craft show going on in any given day in the whole US.

A lot of these artists/sellers travel in pairs, husband and wife teams,  that are or went through the same 'there is something better to do with my life' stage.  We received a lot of useful information and been told over and over again, that YES you CAN have a comfortable life, or make enough money on one show for you to live comfortably for 6 mos or a year!  These artists are the ones that are paying about $1000 to have a 10x10 spot in places like Venice Beach FL, Coconut Grove FL, Sta Fe NM, Cherry Creek CO and more.  Most of them are painters or sculptors, but even they started small, their talent had to be recognized and it took time and a lot of traveling for them to sport the 'best in show' ribbons. :)

But for 5 of the top recognized artists, there are many, many regular people like you and us, that know in their hearts that what we make with our hands can be sold.   I know I can sell, because I have sold on line, not on my website, I want to keep that just for stores that want to carry my items.  I want to generate most of my revenue and sales from shows.  I have sold through ebay and etsy, mostly ebay, and from these sales I have been able to fund more supplies.   I have been able to sell my pieces to a local store, and these sold very fast.  Come June, I will be taking some of my jewelry to another store in Boulder.   My goal is to get a few stores to carry my jewelry, so we can make the transition from a full time job (husband), to a part time, and perhaps a lifetime of selling our art!

On another blog I will let you know about how much to start putting aside to make this dream a reality.

Keep on creating!

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